Monday 9 October 2017

Five reasons why "Inception" is Postmodern

1.The director of ”Inception” Christopher Nolan decided to leave the finale of the film open for thought: dream or reality? Such an ambiguous end of the film, as a way of dialogue with the audience, corresponds to the traditions of postmodernism.

2. Intertextuality. The basis of Nolan's ideas about dreams in ”Inception” were representations of Sigmund Freud written in his book  ”The Interpretation of Dreams”, as well as the teachings of Carlos Castaneda. Freud believed that dreams are reflections of man's desires. We see Cobb constantly thinking about his wife and children, he misses them. These desires are reflected in his dreams. Ideas of projections in the dream as a protective mechanism can also be found in the teachings of Freud. Teachings of Castaneda talk about the possibility of group dreams. ”Inception” is also full of mythological and religious ideas and judgments. This film is full of various references to different works of the film industry: surrealism of David Lynch, Dziga Vertov experiments with camera, separate scenes from anime ”Paprika”( for example, a scene with mirrors)

3. Inception - putting ideas into the subject's brain. As the protagonist says, idea is like a parasite or a virus, you can infect someone with it or be infected yourself, for example, like Cobb’s wife or like he himself.
If the idea will be correctly implemented into the brain you will no longer perceive it as alien or unfamiliar. Such methods as propaganda, manipulations for a long time have been used across the world.

4. The plot of the film seems to be linear, but it does not go forward, it goes into the depths of the subconscious of the main characters during their sleep, going deeper and deeper, like an elevator, stopping on different floors of dreams.

5. Everything in the dreams of the characters is created by them, or rather by their subconsciousness. But people who are architects can build their own world using their own mind, a world which has never been seen before without physics and sense of time.

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